WTF is This???

What happens when you’re a cast member of Wicked trying to be a real rock ‘n’ roller? You get Adam Lambert, one of American Idol’s aspiring stars for season eight. The guyliner enthusiast has already achieved frontrunner status due to his soaring vocals (he performs in next week’s semifinals group), but he’s also attracted some mild notoriety from people like me who feel he’s a bit too theatrical, fabricated, and deliberately groomed to be taken seriously. Case in point: the video above. Check out Lambert as he dons an unsettlingly oil-chested, glam rocker persona — a look that can best be described as Michael Flatley meets Bowie. I’m not sure that’s a good thing. It’s all so over the top and ridiculous — it’s every thing that Nick/Normund parodies. Adam can sing for sure, but I defy you to understand any of the words in this shrill, four-and-a-half minute what-the-fuck odyssey. Performance art? Possibly. Mock-worthy? Absolutely.
Via Vote For The Worst
UPDATE: Another curious Adam Lambert clip after the jump…