
Jessica Trent. Gavin Beasley. Elodie Otto. These are the brave souls who selflessly shared their blanks stares, their disapproving glances, and their penchant for Baked Salmon rolls all so we could enjoy that much more of The Hills. And what have they gotten in return? NOTHING.
That’s right, ever since landing primo supporting gigs on the MTV sensation, their lives have gone to hell (more or less). Jessica Trent, the oft-maligned whipping girl of Kelly Cutrone, endured a half-season of mockery, causing her to leave The People’s Revolution lest her professional career take any more hits (bad news: it’s probably too late). Now she spends her time organizing her closet.
Meanwhile, Gavin Beasley, a one-time suitor of Lauren Conrad, has become famous for pushing a certain sushi roll on the show’s star despite her previous proclamations that she did not, in fact, like salmon. Now he must live with the unfortunate and burdensome reputation of being an intolerant salmon foister, never able to go on a single date again without girls cowering in fear that he might just shove an entire Philly Roll down their throats. A horrible legacy indeed.
But perhaps the most tragic tale of all focuses around one of our favorite departed Hills members: Elodie Otto. Fans know her as the girl who couldn’t remember the English words for “pots and pans,” but even more importantly, she’s most famous as the once faithful sidekick to Heidi Montag who saw her job prospects vanish once her Master stole the job she had slaved for. This awkward impasse was unforgettably punctuated with one of the greatest quotes from The Hills canon: “You don’t even know what’s wrong and what’s right anymore. IT’S SO SAD!”
Well, according to the Los Angeles Times, it appears that Heidi didn’t steal her sidekick’s position after all. Turns out Elodie had already quit SBE months before in an effort to parlay her fame (cough) into a lucrative bath and body product line. Surprise, surprise — the venture failed. It’s too bad, really. I always did kind of associate Elodie with a luffa sponge.
Truth is that while Lauren, Audrina, Heidi, and Whitney lead what appear to be charmed lives, their armies of sidekicks often find themselves left behind in the dust cloud of fame. Hopefully, one of the minor Hills characters will achieve glory on their own terms (crossing fingers for Justin Bobby), but until then, we’ll just have to hope a job opens up a Red Lobster.
To read more about life after The Hills, check out the full article here. Thanks to Jessica for the tip!

4 replies on “Reality TV Destroys Careers, Even For People On 'The Hills'”

  1. Hey, now B-Side!
    I work at the Lobster, and the oh-so-glamorous life of selling Admiral’s Feasts and refilling Raspberry Lemonades is not to be underrated. Actually, now that I think about it…it probably is more appealing then having to listen to Heidi babble on about Spencer all day.

  2. It’s funny how much more fake this article makes the Hills.
    – Heidi didn’t get promoted above Elodie
    – Elodie didn’t really screw up Heidi’s anniversary dinner by tricking Heidi into thinking she’d be covering an event
    – Heidi’s boobs might not be real
    here’s a link to a story about their real personalities while at a Rolling Stone cover shoot

  3. I’m still trying to hang on to the illusion of The Hills being kind of real. I don’t know why.
    Even though I know Speidi aren’t really evil, I still enjoy thinking of them that way. Heidi just irks me, I have no idea why she’s on so many magazine covers – she lost some of her prettiness with the plastic face, hair, boobs, etc., and the whites of her eyes are a funny color; I think she has an ED.
    Most disturbing though, is my secret stash of any and all RAGazines with ANYONE from The Hills on the cover. I bought the Rolling Stone at Hartzfield, and then was too embarrassed to actually break it out on the plane – I’m WAAAAYYYY too old for this crap, LOL!
    I draw the line at “Speidiweb” though. Definitely NOT going there.

  4. I also read (or saw on TV) that Kelly Cutrone is the stylist, or style advisor for the show…..so the “job” was just kinda handed to Whitney and Lauren.

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