FINALLY: 'Big Brother' Jury Drama

Big Brother was one hell of a doozy tonight. The drama was pretty much as good as it can ever get. I don’t anticipate that CBS will have the screen shots up before Sunday; so it might be a while before there’s a photocap. In the meantime, for fans of the show, this clip is a MUST. For over five seasons, we’ve waited and waited and waited for something truly exciting to happen at the sequester house, and at long last, we finally had fireworks.
As you’ll see in the video above, Crazy James once again proves that he’s totally incapable of not blaming others for his own mess. He immediately holds Chelsia responsible for his ouster, saying that her parting comments in the house are what did him in. That’s right, it wasn’t his mopey attitude or angry self-pity or sanctimonious hypocrisy or vulgar tirades or the fact that he went back on his word in a major way to the point where no one could truly ever trust him. No, it was Chelsia’s snippy/hilarious/cringe-worthy rant that turned all these people against poor James.
Now I’m no Chelsia fan — despite her VERY modern haircut — but even I felt bad for her as she sat there and listened to the one guy she cared for rail on her for being his downfall. Way to be a gentleman, James. Good to see you’re still championing the return of niceness to this world.
Oh, but it gets worse. After making Chelsia feel so shitty that she stomps out of the room in tears, James has the temerity to wander into her room with a big smile and ask “What’s wrong?” To paraphrase Sheila, are you frickin kidding me??? You just made the girl who supported you through thick and thin feel like the lowest scum of the Earth, and now you want to play all naive about why she’s sad? Awful. But again, IT GETS WORSE.
James then reassures Chelsia that “I was a homeless kid that walked into Big Brother with no money. I’m okay with leaving with no money, but knowing that I fell for a girl.” Well, obviously he wasn’t okay with leaving with no money; otherwise he wouldn’t have bitterly cut down the girl he allegedly cares for. Aren’t “nice” people supposed to let bygones be bygones? And furthermore, enough with this homeless junk. Anyone who willingly lives on the streets, especially while maintaining a corporate sponsor (ie. American Apparel), does not deserve to play the homeless card.
Still, once James was able to make Chelsia cry, he seemed to be at peace with the whole situation. But I think it will be a long time before he ever takes any responsibility for his actions. I can’t even imagine the sanctimonious questions he’ll be asking come jury time. Only ten days away…