
Jury duty continues for me today. Please be patient! Gracias.

In the meantime, feel free to discuss amongst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic. Yea or neigh: rainbows. Beautiful or overhyped?

8 replies on “My Civic Duties Continue”

  1. Rainbows are beautiful and can cause a grown man to stop the car on the side of the road in awe of its beauty.

    Songs are written about them, pictures are taken, little men are waiting with pots of gold at the end of them. No way that could be over-hyped…right?

  2. Hearing the word ‘scandalocity’ made Lex and I check your site. Nothing on the subject. Sad.

  3. rainbows are quite popular in Hawaii. they’ve even put them on their license plates, for crying out loud. rainbows. hmpf. who needs em? OVERRATED!

  4. I think you need to listen to Tiny Tim’s version of Over the Rainbow. I found it at Napster before they went all legalified. There, I mentioned both the rainbow topic as well as legal stuff. I’ve sufficiently covered all topics required.

  5. I can be in the pissiest of moods and a rainbow will turn my frown upside down.

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