Tournament of Cham Winner Revealed!


Well, another year has come and gone, and March Madness has drawn to a close. As usual, the Tournament of Cham was an exciting affair — at least for everyone except me, thanks to my horrific bracket. It’s par for the course, really.

Anyway, there were ups and downs, upsets and broken legs, but in the end, one woman — nay, LADY — reigned supreme. The winner of the 2013 Tournament of Cham is… Jennifer’s Love Tank! With a solid score of 980 points, Jennifer just edged out her nearest competition, Chuchuchels, who nabbed second place with 940 points. Rounding out the top three was Fried Cheese, who also had 940 points (but fewer correct picks).

For those wanting some context, I picked a thrilling 34 of 63 correct winner, which is just a shade above 50%. Somehow I managed to sneak into 12th place with 840 points. Shocking.

Bringing up the rear is Ferrisismyhero — one of the biggest boosters of the T.O.C.. Despite her enthusiasm, Ferrisismyhero suffered some brutal setbacks and wound up with only 380 points, earning zero in the final three rounds of play. Yikes. Better luck next year!

And now the grand prize. This year, Jennifer’s Love Tank wins… PRIDE AND RESPECT! YAY!!!!!

See you in 2014!!

2 replies on “Tournament of Cham Winner Revealed!”

  1. PRIDE AND RESPECT! The two things I’ve always wanted, and never had.
    I hope I just don’t blow them all on jet skis and gold chalices, and that I remember the people who got me here.

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