Jim Bellino and wife Alexis from The Real Housewives of Orange County
I mean, the comparison just has to be made.
And if Jim is Mario, that makes Alexis…
And naturally, that makes their kids…
‘Nuff said.
New Record! lol
Thank you for covering up his chest – it was making my skin crawl.
Why is he lying in that hospital bed like he just gave birth?!?! (And following that up by breastfeeding?!) W.T.F.?!
I know when babies are first born they thrive on skin-to-skin contact, so that may be the reason for why they are on his chest. Doesn’t mean they need to release a picture of it though…
I just feel bad for Alexis. She actually looks pretty here, without all the ridiculous make up and hair do and clothes. If only . . .
He had the babies on his chest to mimic Tamra’s coconut bra.
I wonder if the babies will have Alexis’s new nose and Jim’s new chin.