“New temporary layout? That’s pretty cool.”
I’ve had to pare down my site template while I try to figure out what’s been causing outages on the backend (caused by the site eating up too much memory). Now that the site has been simplified, I’m sort of digging it.
I had originally gone with my previous layout (Arras) in order to introduce a slideshow to better drum up interest in posts that may have been “below the fold.” But now there’s so much… space. I do miss some of the slideshow’s functionality.
What say you, readers from the Internet. Do we like simple? Or informative?
I like it simple! Really….whatever’s easiest for you!
I agree! I like simple just fine.
Dude if it’s easier for you? I’m all for it.
Whatever works best is fine with me. I like easy.
I am not even sure what is missing so it seems good to me.
I will take Bside anyway I can get it 🙂
Thank-you for all you do.
I like it better without the slideshow.
Simple works for me, I’ll read it all anyways. 🙂
I like clean, crisp lines and uncluttered surfaces.
I like it the other way but I have OCD and issues with change so thats my own thing.