
Earlier today, it was announced that Eddie Murphy will be hosting the Oscars next year, which is both exciting and confounding. After all, Eddie Murphy is known these days for being, well, kind of a downer. When was the last time we saw him being funny? Don’t you dare say Norbit.

Nevertheless, while the comedian may have made a second career out of appearing in forgettable family films, it’s impossible to deny the firebrand he used to be. I have my fingers crossed that this could be one of the most electric Oscars in a few years (heck, anything could improve upon this year’s Anne Hathaway/James Franco dud). Do we think Eddie Murphy will rise to the challenge? Or will this be a colossal FAIL?

Color me enthsued.

3 replies on “YEA OR NAY: Eddie Murphy As Your Oscars Host”

  1. love it. After the dismal job the teamofcrackassshitdomyoungstersspread last year this will be a breath of fresh air. If you are old enough to remember the old Eddie, the Raw Eddie, this could be amazing. Better yet if he has writers that know him, or writes his own stuff and ignores the embarassingly crap that is usually written.

  2. I happened to be watching the Today show this morning when they announced that and they showed clips from Beverly Hills Cop, Trading Places and another movie he was in in the EIGHTIES. Why not make him wear the red suit and just do another Raw tour?? I guess Dr. Doolittle wasn’t funny enough.

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