
Summer is officially here (in an unofficial sense), and that means it’s time for The Next Food Network Star. This year, however, the execs have rebranded the show as Food Star, which I imagine is to keep it in line with sister channel’s Design Star. Seems unnecessary to me, but what do I know. When it comes to marketing, I defer to the inimitable Susie Fogelson, who will be back once again to cast cold but loving judgment on all the wannabe stars.

As usual, we have a motley crew of contestants, and hopefully this year, we’ll get a winner who we can actually embrace (but then again, why start now?). As long as we’re not stuck with Fieri 2.0, or worse… the second coming of Aaron McCargo Jr..

The series premieres on Sunday, but in the meantime, check out the video above for a nifty trailer.