Makeup maven, handbag designer, comedienne? Yes, add that title to Gretchen Rossi’s growing roster of professional endeavors. The star of Real Housewives of Orange County is this week’s Tweet The Joke celebrity host, which means that she’ll be tweeting out jokes through Friday. Well, she’ll sort of be tweeting out jokes. She actually just tweets out the setup, and then we have to come up with the punchline. For example, today Gretchen wrote “What do you call a gay dinosaur?” I, of course, submitted my own witty response (“Duh-wight.” You know, from Real Housewives of Atlanta? Because he’s old and gay? Get it? GET IT???).

Anyway, I’m not sure if submitting jokes means that Gretchen will actually interface with you, but it’s worth a shot, especially if you want some Beauté tips.

2 replies on “Gretchen Rossi Tweets The Joke”

  1. If I were Gretchen, I’d totally horse laugh at that punchline. And then say something about Slade’s peen.

  2. I’ve interacted with Gretchen numerous times (ok, 2) on twitter. Both times took me by surprise as I was not looking for a response. She seems pretty good about tweeting replies etc. Here’s hoping you have the same experience. 🙂 And Duh-Wight… ha ha ha… totally got it.

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