
When Cafepress offered to send me a complimentary Mad Men t-shirt in return for a review of their product, I was more than happy to jump at the opportunity. Of course, anyone offering me free stuff usually gets my attention. Nevertheless, I was able to select one of many designs at the Cafepress Mad Men Shop, and after some mild consternation, I opted for a simple fitted white t-shirt with the words “Sterling Cooper Advertising” on the front.

So far so good. The shirt arrived in the mail about four or five business days later, and it fits me like a charm. I was concerned that it might make me look like I have a slight belly, but then I realized that’s because I have a slight belly. Not the shirt’s fault. Luckily, my friend Jenny was around when I first tried it on, and she assured me that the fit was good. The big test, of course, will be the shrinkage. We’ll see how things go after this bad boy goes through the wash for the first time. Fingers crossed I won’t destroy my lovely free t-shirt. If I do, there will certainly be a follow-up report.

Anyway, if you too are similarly excited about the idea of a Mad Men themed item, check out the aforementioned online shop. Also, if this doesn’t sate your appetite, Cafe Press has a nifty Mad Men blog post boasting trivia etc.. So, check that out because they were nice and sent me a t-shirt.

Here’s a closer up view of the logo, worn proudly by yours truly.

Me trying to be mysterious like Don Draper, but I think I wound up looking just douchey.

So far, we like the shirt!

10 replies on “SHILL TOWN: Cafepress ‘Mad Men’ Gear”

  1. I was going to ask if they had one in your size, but jash and IndianJones have already beat me to the punch.

  2. The only way you can look like a bigger douchebag in that shirt is if it were a v neck.

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