About That Pesky Commenting System

One of the banes of this site’s existence has been the commenting system, which has always sucked no matter what I’ve done to fix it. It’s still far from perfect, but last night, I installed new commenting software that no longer necessitates leaving the page for the verification process. Now you can submit your comment and watch as it magically goes from entered text to real life comment RIGHT BEFORE YOUR EYES. Don’t get too excited though. It still takes an inordinate amount of time for reasons I have yet to determine (shaking fist at the heavens). Nevertheless, the process is slightly more efficient now, and hopefully fewer comments will be lost.
We will be losing one special thing though: the Successful Comment Lady. She’s been with us since day one, but now that we have no comment verification screen, it seems as though her prominence on this site will now be marginalized severely. I’m sure we’ll always keep a place in our heart for her, and I promise to use her whenever I can. Thank you, Successful Comment Lady. Your smiling face has been a joy.

25 replies on “About That Pesky Commenting System”

  1. TESTING, bitches!
    I hate the captcha. Have you looked into using facebook connect?

  2. It’s an improvement. A slight improvement, but an improvement nonetheless.

  3. ok — I can’t do facebook connect for the moment because there are some issues with php and dynamic publishing on my site that are really beyond what I’m capable of fixing (this is also why there’s no pagination for the main page).
    Alas, I am but a mere mortal with no knowledge of php, and I fear that I might cause damage if I tinker any further.

  4. I can deal with losing the Hills recaps…but the Successful Comment Lady??

  5. NOOOO!!!! The Successful Comment Lady always made me feel so validated – like I’d really accomplished something. Who’s going to do that for me now?

  6. So IndianJones is still single, yes?
    Oh and I meant to congratulate you on Andy Richter being back with Conan…the only reason he got that job is because you interned for him. You heard it here first…

  7. This is wonderful news. I look forward to NOT having to remember what I wrote before the site dissed my comment.

  8. that goddamn comment lady shouldve been KICKED TO THE CURB ages ago.
    good riddance.

  9. I saw the “not yet dead” Girls Next Door the other night and realized that Mary, Hugh Hefner’s “Gal Friday” (which is probably what she was called when they were both in their 20’s), looks like Glorious Confirmation Lady. For a minute I thought they were one and the same. I, for one, will miss her.

  10. I, too will miss glorious confirmation Lady.
    Maybe she could have her own column on your blog…

  11. for some reason I always assumed the Successful Comment Lady was none other than your mother. Dunno why I thought that. Already this system seems easier.
    Well Played Sir.
    Poor Dead Successful Commenting Lady
    PS. i seriously had to go out and come back because i needed a new Captcha. i was typing in what i thought it was but it kept rejecting me. let’s try again…

  12. i meant to say after posting my first comment that this new interface is EQUALLY as shitty and takes JUST AS LONG.
    plus i had to actually refresh the page to be able to post another comment (after the looong wait after the initial comment, mind you).
    i would think that someone who calls himself a blogger would actually know how to, oh i dont know, BUILD A BLOG.

  13. In honor of the Succesful Comment Lady, for her magnificent job giving us confirmation and installing in us that sense of accomplishment we all crave for and our parents couldn’t provide I will today eat my first pickle.

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