On Monday, I announced that it would be “Gloria Week” on my blog, but since I’ve temporarily halted my daily Whatnots this week (on account of travel etc), I haven’t been able to fulfill this wonderful promise I’ve made to you. Fear not though. I’ve compiled several “Gloria” clips to more than make up for their absence on Tuesday and Wednesday. In the video above, some crazy Puerto Rican dancing sensation from the ’80s named Iris Chacon goes absolutely nuts singing the song. It’s pretty amusing for the first two and a half minutes, and then at the 2:44 mark, she drops to the ground and goes ballistic. It’s almost a self parody.
More bizarre clips after the jump…
Here’s the same woman, Iris Chacon, on Letterman of all things.
If Iris Chacon’s dance moves were too much for you, brace yourself for pure intensity here…
Here’s the French version of “Gloria,” sung by a sturdy woman (or so we’ve been told)named Sheila.
And the pièce de résistance: a woman from 1993 named Hélène pretending to be the aforementioned Sheila.
Check back in tomorrow for the stunning conclusion of Gloria Week.