
I don’t often encourage readers to engage in charitable causes, but I’m bucking that trend today. My friend Meeshie is participating in the MS Bike Ride this weekend in New York City, an event aimed at raising money for multiple sclerosis research. It’s a great and important cause targeting something that affects more people than you may realize. And if you think about it, this site pulls in a few thousand people a day — if everyone donates a few dollars, Meeshie could pull in a hefty sum (and as a bonus, I think that’ll get her like a CD player reward or something). So instead of spending a few dollars on a snack and a soda from the vending machine, donate it to Meeshie’s team!
To find out how you can contribute, click here.
Oh, and if you want the formal pitch, follow the jump…

Over 400,000 Americans live with the challenges of multiple sclerosis. This disease brings uncertainty to those living with it and stops people from moving. The National MS Society exists to make sure it doesnÂ’t. Together, we can turn the uncertainty into hope by doing something about MS now.
On October 5, the National MS SocietyÂ’s New York City Chapter is hosting its 24th annual Bike MS event where 5,000 individuals will ride toward a world free of MS. I am joining the movement by participating in Bike MS. You can support me by making a tax-deductible donation to help raise much needed funds for people with multiple sclerosis.
There are nearly 7,000 individuals living with MS right here in New York City. I am asking for your support so we can fund even more programs, services and research projects in the coming year. Last year alone, the National MS Society committed over $33 million to fund over 300 new and on-going research programs. This was made possible, in part, through the support of people like you.
Thank you in advance for joining me in the movement and doing something about MS now.

Again, to contribute, click here.

10 replies on “Bike For A Good Cause”

  1. My dad has MS and I’ll be participating in the MS bike ride in Manhattan this weekend too!
    Thanks for bringing awareness to the disease B-side.

  2. See you at the ride, Kristen!
    Thanks so much for your donations so far, everyone, and thanks B-Side for the post! B-Side and I have a close friend whose mother passed away from MS earlier this year, so this cause is particularly meaningful to us both.
    Thanks again to everybody- the MS Society is such a fantastic institution, and it does a world of good for an extremely worthwhile cause. Your support is greatly appreciated!

  3. can you even RIDE a bike meeshie?
    well, i hope you fall off–but in a funny way. and do you have a name for your bike like ‘circles?’
    its ok, i can say this, my sister has MS.

  4. Jash – I didn’t know about your sister. All kidding aside, they do great work for MS research.
    And, I am to bike riding as BETS is to horseback riding: PERFECT.

  5. Thanks Meeshie it is great that you are participating. I will donate too. My mom has MS and I like to support the MS Society as much as I can. Have fun.

  6. B-Side, thank you for the post & raising awareness. And thank you Meeshie (and all others) for participating in the cause as well. MS hits very close to home as my mother & two aunts were afflicted by the disease. I hope one day there’s a cure or at the very least an explanation…
    Enough somberness & on to lighter things: I love the pic you chose. I HOPE that doesn’t happen this weekend!!! (Meesh, be sure to watch out for random drunk drivers.)

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