About an hour ago, I headed to CBS.com to get a picture to accompany my most recent anti-James rant. I immediately got sucked into the newest Big Brother photo gallery, and eventually I realized I just had to fashion a new post out of the pics. I wouldn’t say this is a recap, per se, because I do very little in the realm of recapping. Actually, I do no recapping whatsoever. It’s just a bunch of photos and captions. Nevertheless, enjoy.

“Ryan, can you do me a favor? Now that Matty’s gone, could you ignore me all day and tell me you don’t love me? It’ll make me feel loved again.”

“Man, I just started thinking about interracial dating. That shit is f’d up.”

“My name’s Chelsia, but you can call me TROUBLE!” (Sorry, it’s one of my favorite quotes of the season, and I haven’t blogged about it yet)

“I’m awful.”

“Are you mocking my hair? Because that might cause TROUBLE.”

“Oh man. Now I gotta nominate two retards.”

“Guess who I’m thinking about? I’ll give you a hint. His name rhymes with Matty. Oh shoot.”

“Do you think Matt’s gonna come back? Because if he does, I’m popping this boob out for him.”

“So here’s the thing: I’m not racist. I just think that black people and white people should never interact, you know?”


“Man, I’m crazy.”

“Yew know wut, Adam? Yew don’t owe me a coffee refill, but ya kinda dew.”

“Well look at all my mischief. My doughy, doughy mischief.”

“Yew know wut? I stole this bathrobe from Air Force One.”

“I don’t even know what I’m laughing at right now! I’M SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!”

“Man, I could totally have sex on the toilet again.”

“A movie prize? You won’t be showing any, uh, gay porn by any chance?”

“I think it’s about time for me to cuss out a girl for no reason. Where’s Julie Chen, that CUNT!”

Oh that’s right. I couldn’t remember what movie they were seeing. It was only mentioned THIRTY FIVE TIMES.

“I’m gonna poke this light bulb with the corner of my bob!”

“Yew know what, CBS? Yew don’t owe me a free movie screening, but ya kinda dew!”

“Seriously, guys. My hair is very modern. And full of TROUBLE.”

“If I say Matt’s name twice, that’s EIGHT LETTERS!”

“Yew know wut, weather? Yew don’t owe me sunshine, but ya kinda dew.”

“Ryan, you haven’t heard from Matty since he left the house, right?”

“I think Ryan got a letter from Matty. I am NOT cool with that!”

“Yew know wut, sunglasses? Yew don’t owe me thanks for safely keeping yew on top of my head, but ya kind of dew.”

“It’s funny because when I tilt my head this way, my hair evens out. It’s very chic in that way. And slightly troublesome.”

“Damn, I really wish I was the color of that key.”

“Sometimes I’m just amazed at how crazy I am. I mean, look at me. I’m wearing a pink shirt, I have a pink mohawk — damn. I’m out of control.”