Category Archives: Television
AMERICAN IDOL RECAP: A Little Less Andrew Garcia, A Little More Action
It was Elvis week on American Idol last night, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. [crickets] That was sarcasm. Let’s put it this way: the only theme less interesting to me would have been the great Rascal Flatts songbook. Truth be told, I’m not a huge Elvis fan. I only have one song of …
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Get 'Planet Earth' For Free!
In honor of the fortieth anniversary of Earth Day, BBC Earth and iTunes is offering free SD and HD downloads of the “From Pole to Pole” episode of Planet Earth. If you’ve never seen this epic series, do yourself a favor and download it. “From Pole to Pole” is sort of the sampler episode, and …
After the runaway success of Jersey Shore, people soon began theorizing about which other ethnic subcultures would soon receive the reality show treatment. There’s been chatter about infiltrating the Russian community of Brooklyn in a project called Brighton Beach. There’s been murmurings of an all Asian experiment too. But for those of us from the …
Fire Comes Perilously Close To Zarin Fabrics; Bethenny To Blame?
A fiery blaze lit up a building on Manhattan’s Lower East Side last night, just spitting distance from the hallowed storefront of Zaaaaaaarin Faaaaabrics, owned and operated by Real Housewives of New York City star Jill Zarin’s husband, Baaaawby Zaaarin. Could it be that this was a hostile retaliation by Bethenny, Jill’s once-loved, now scorned …
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Conan O'Brien Moves to TBS As I Silently Weep
Earlier today, it was announced that Conan O’Brien would be moving his late night show over to TBS, home of George Lopez, Tyler Perry, and the misleading tagline “very funny.” After several years of branding itself as a comedy treasure trove, I’ve yet to actually find anything on TBS worth crowing about, which makes this …
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REAL HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Like A Bridge Over Troubled Waters
How crazy is this season of The Real Housewives of New York City? The drama is so thick, so tense, and so frequent that often times we get not only a fight at the end of the hour, but also at the top. It’s almost like there’s too much cattiness for Bravo to even handle. …
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Top Chef Masters returned to Bravo last night, and while I most certainly enjoyed the first season, I must admit that my excitement level for its return wasn’t exactly off the charts. I think that perhaps after a season of sourpusses on Top Chef: Las Vegas, I wasn’t totally ready to embrace the franchise and …
AMERICAN IDOL RECAP: Continuing Down The Long And Winding Road
Apologies for my one week absence in American Idol coverage. I was in NY last Tuesday, and I forgot to record the show on my parents’ Tivo. Even worse, the performance videos on Idol’s official (and extremely crappy) website didn’t work; so I was left with little else to do but listen to mp3s of …
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