THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 9 — The Spirit Of Obama!

Previously on The Parsley Chronicles, all hope seemed to be lost for my once bountiful cup of parsley. However, I noticed one sturdy, colorful sprout and realized that maybe there was hope for this plant after all. It’s a funny thing — hope. The word seems to get thrown around so often, but now that Obama’s …


After spending an afternoon stewing half the ingredients in my kitchen to make Beef Rendang, I was in the mood last night to cook something up a bit easier. You know, like shrimp. Turns out last month while I was investigating African dishes for my failed attempt at a Survivor: Gabon tie-in, I came across …


Just when you thought I was done cooking up ethnic food, here I come once again with another attempt to harness another culture in my humble kitchen. This time I took on the beast that is beef rendang, a Malaysian/Indonesian dish that seems to involve every spice under the sun. I was inspired by a …

THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 8 — Are The Best Days Behind Us???

On last week’s edition of The Parsley Chronicles, the previously smooth progress of my parsley took a drastic turn as it was revealed that I had been depriving my plant of the water it so desperately needed. I’ve since been more attentive to the moistness of the parsley’s soil, but I fear the damage my …

Seagulls and Bagels Provide Surprising Entertainment

Not so long ago, I happened to look out my window and see a flock of seagulls circling around the rooftop of an adjacent building. Closer inspection revealed that someone had placed a few bagels out for the birds, thus causing a white-feathered frenzy amongst the gathered avian creatures. I, of course, was amused because …


My orange-colored culinary journey around the world continues! Last week, I detailed my attempts to make butternut squash soup and domoda. Now my cooking adventures take me from East Hampton and Africa all the way to Thailand as I deign to take on one of my favorite curry dishes: panang curry. Sounds daunting. Will I …


Last month, while watching Survivor: Gabon, I was inspired to cook an African dish in honor of the veteran reality series wrapping up its run. Unfortunately, I didn’t get around to doing this until about a week and a half after Bob walked away with the million dollar prize. No matter, I was still up …

THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 7 — A Dramatic Turn For The WORST

Because of the holidays, I haven’t posted an update on my ongoing series, The Parsley Chronicles (feature film adaptation to star Ben Kingsley and Patti Lupone), but I can assure you there has been plenty of drama. Well, as much drama as a small cup of Ikea parsley can have. Turns out my green thumb …

ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Butternut Squash Soup Edition

For the past two or three weeks, I’ve been doing a lot of cooking at home, and you know what that means: time for another edition of Adventures in Domesticity! In fact, we’ll be having several editions over the next week or so as I’ve tried my hand at several dishes — almost all of which …

THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 6 — Rising Above

Big things are happening in the world of parsley — or at least, in the world of MY parsley. The wee sprouts that appeared over Thanksgiving have been growing at a steady pace, so much so that I was able to take the cup off the ball (actually, Jash did it while he was tending …