THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 8 — Are The Best Days Behind Us???

On last week’s edition of The Parsley Chronicles, the previously smooth progress of my parsley took a drastic turn as it was revealed that I had been depriving my plant of the water it so desperately needed. I’ve since been more attentive to the moistness of the parsley’s soil, but I fear the damage my …

OH REALLY? John McCain Puts The Kibosh on Cindy's Dancing Dreams

According to Page Six, beer heiress / cookie plagiarizer Cindy McCain was in talks with producers of ABC’s Dancing with the Stars to be a contestant next season; however, her footloose and fancy free dreams were allegedly destroyed by hubby John for reasons yet to be announced. I suppose it probably has something to do …

Seagulls and Bagels Provide Surprising Entertainment

Not so long ago, I happened to look out my window and see a flock of seagulls circling around the rooftop of an adjacent building. Closer inspection revealed that someone had placed a few bagels out for the birds, thus causing a white-feathered frenzy amongst the gathered avian creatures. I, of course, was amused because …

HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: She's Still Hotter Than You, Tamra

For its first two seasons, I never watched Real Housewives of Orange County because it always felt a little dull to me. Not so anymore. This season has featured one trainwreck episode after another, and I think we can agree that the producers finally got the casting mix just right. Gretchen has brought out evil …


Sacrifice #9: It’s none other than Sherayay from The Real Housewives of Atlanta! And who better to go down in flames than the genius behind She By Sherayay? Well, actually, I can think of one more deserving person, but that won’t be revealed until tomorrow. I suppose I could tell you today, but that would …

ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Chicken Tikka Masala Edition

Welcome to my culinary experiment! Sadly, it is time for my orange-colored culinary journey around the world to conclude. It started in East Hampton, traveled across the Atlantic to The Gambia, headed west to Thailand, and now retreats back east a little to India, home country of my next endeavor, chicken tikka masala. I was …

BROMANCE PHOTOCAP: Sensual Seduction

Bromance continues to entertain, and while only one guy cried this week (down from about eight last week), there was still plenty to enjoy. Homoeroticism still ran amuck, as evidenced by the screenshot above which features Frankie and Sleazy T checking Brody out in the shower. Granted, that scene felt incredibly staged, but it wasn’t …