
Apologies for the slight delay in getting my Top Chef finale photocap up. I had a minor bottleneck of work to do, and quite honestly, it’s all for the best because I needed that time to mourn the tragic death of Carla’s run at the title. I’m not usually one to hate on Top Chef, but this was seriously the most disappointing finale EVER. I knew as soon as Carla got paired with Casey (the self-proclaimed “hot chef” of season three), she’d be in trouble. Casey, if you remember, has a kind of toxic presence in the kitchen. I believe all of her friends went home on her season (hence the feeling that she’d been thrown under the “guilt blanket,” whatever that is). To be fair, Carla’s big problem has always been a lack of confidence in herself, which has often led her down the wrong path. She ultimately has to be held responsible if she decides to use Casey’s HORRIBLE suggestions. Still… why, Casey, WHY??? Since the finale aired, there’s actually been some back and forth, mostly from Casey, who has spewed nothing but venom towards Carla and the producers, and while I suppose her ranting was supposed to exonerate her from any wrongdoing, it just makes me kind of hate her.

Meanwhile, I can’t say that I was totally surprised by the Hosea “The Brillo Pad” Rosenberg taking the title. The producers could not have tipped their hand more obviously if they had tried. For the past seven or eight weeks, episodes have begun with Hosea adamantly informing us that “Stefan is my main competition! I have to beat him!” This would then be followed by Stefan shrugging and saying in his rapid-fire staccato patois, “It is nothing. It means nothing to me. There is no competition.” Surely the producers were gearing us up for some sort of showdown, and since there really was never any major confrontation between the two at any point, the logical inference would have to be that the two would be squaring off in the finals. And given that, Stefan was being made out to be such a bad guy and such a frontrunner that it was clear (to me at least) that Hosea was going to slide in as what the producers were hoping would be a likable, All-American underdog hero. Eh.
Anyway, I could toot my own clairvoyant skills for hours, but I’ll spare you. The point is that I found the finale predictable and bland, much like the winner himself. Of course, having never had any of the chefs’ food, I admit that I’m not truly qualified to say whether or not any one person deserved to win. However, as a mere spectator, Hosea’s food never inspired me, allured me, or intrigued me. Meanwhile, Stefan, Carla, and Fabio (who wuz robbed!) all had put out dishes over the course of the season that I had most certainly wanted to dig into. And on that basis, I’d have preferred either of them to Hosea. Oh well. The good news is now we get to see Hosea’s gawky grin and stupid goatee reappear on Bravo for years to come. Yay.
Actually, there really was some good news with this finale. A) We got a second joyous week of Gail, who I love (just in case some of you think I hate her — the bit is an act, people. A fictional dynamic between her and Padma!). And B) Padma laid the smack down on Toby Young, who after endorsing Stefan’s dessert, was met with this steely response from the hostess: “It was pedestrian at best.” Ohhh snap! At least we can always rely on the judges to keep things fun.
Onto the photocap…

“I look like a twat in this picture. So what? Who cares? That’s life.”

“Hey Carla, mind if I WRECK everything?”

Padma: “Unfortunately my dear friend Gail Simmons couldn’t be here for this photo as she heard a truck of beignets had overturned on Bourbon Street, bless her heart.”

Fabio: “Well a-done, Hosea. This is eight a-hundred years of congratulatory experience right a-here.”

It’s called Top Chef, not Top Cloud of Liquid Nitrogen.

“Oh hello there. My dear friend Gail Simmons will be joining us shortly. She’s presently occupied with a Bobbing-For-Crayfish competition, bless her heart.”

“Congratulations, Hosea. Maybe next time we’ll steal all the premium ingredients from YOU and give YOU the worst sous-chef. Hahaha… just kidding. But seriously…”

“And remember the time when Gail ate that sausage off the floor? HAHAHAHAHA!!!”

“We really found it to be pedestrian at best; although, for the record, my dear friend Gail Simmons did say she could eat it all night. Then again, you could make ice cream out of old pencil erasers and she’d still eat that.”

Padma: “Oh dear. It looks like Gail just got in from Mardi Gras. Is she eating her beads? Someone should tell her they’re not candy.”

“I scrub all my dishes with my chin!”

8 replies on “TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: Big Easy, Big Suckage”

  1. what a disappointing finale to such a good season.
    i wouldve liked to see anyone else win besides hosea.
    hell i wouldve preferred leah. lol.
    but i seriously am bummed.
    stefan got robbed!
    i did like that toby was fighting for stefan.
    i read his blog about him.
    it made me hate him less.

  2. I too was disappointed Hosea won. I found the whole finale to be kind of *meh*. It just didn’t seem exciting.
    Rocco is kind of creeping me out in that pic.

  3. second to last pic is perfect..
    padma: interested in anything but talking to these guys
    rocco: interested in camera time
    fabio: interested in padma’s chest
    (i can’t remember the last guy’s name, nor do i have anything really clever to say about him)

  4. Hosea’s smile in those pictures? Really?
    His over bite annoys me, but I’m weirdly attracted to him. Now we have to sit through a finale about a boring love romance. And by the way, did anyone else find Leah to be extremely boring?
    And yes, Rocco looks like a douche

  5. Casey was and still is a bitch.
    Marcel was and still is a douche.
    I want Fabio to get his own show. I miss his Fabio-isms.
    I love Carla and my heart hurt for her when she realized that by not staying true to herself she lost her chance for TC. She coulda been a contender.
    I think Fan Favorite is between Carla and Fabio.

  6. Let’s put this in perspective. It’s a REALITY SHOW, not a competition. The entire “plot” is manufactured by editors who film everything and then “make” a storyline out of it. (Just look at how they set up the Hosea-Stefan showdown, as BSide clearly points out.) Sure, Casey’s ideas weren’t great (or at least weren’t suited to Carla’s cooking style). But Carla gave the OK. And that’s Carla’s fault. Her weakness, if any, was in being a pushover.
    Now, I will say that Casey’s comments, assuming they are actually from her and came in the context we’re led to believe they came from, sound really “mean girl” bitter. But, whatever really happened in that kitchen was not what was put on the air. Casey was portrayed as the saboteur and that’s likely what she was speaking out against.
    For the record, I was a fan of Carla. It sucks that she didn’t win. But there’s blame to go around to everyone (including, and especially, the editors).

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