
Previously on The Parsley Chronicles, all hope seemed to be lost for my once bountiful cup of parsley. However, I noticed one sturdy, colorful sprout and realized that maybe there was hope for this plant after all. It’s a funny thing — hope. The word seems to get thrown around so often, but now that Obama’s in the White House, I can’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe, he might be empowering this parsley to make a comeback, all through the power of hope. After all, if anything could symbolize the past ten years, it’s this parsley: excitement, success, and growth followed by stagnancy, decay, and general sadness. The new sprout is the new hope. IT’S THE OBAMA OF HERBS!!!!
Or so it seemed. Has the Obama sprout followed through with its promise and potential? Pictures after the jump…

Things are still looking dire in the parsley cup.

But wait! The Obama sprout! It’s bigger and brighter than ever before!!

In fact, a closer look through all the sad leaves reveals a few intrepid sprouts emerging from the fray…

It’s not much, but there are definitely signs of life!

Look there! Right in the middle! A new sprout!

With such momentous progress, this may warrant a ceremonial performance of “A New Day” by Celine Dion.

Of course, if I take a step back, it becomes apparent that the road ahead is very, very long.

Ten weeks and counting. When oh when will this parsley be ready???