
Apologies for the lame headline. It just had to be said. Nevertheless, by now there are plenty of Big Brother interviews clogging up the internets, and of course, one of my favorites is this one from Midseason Replacements. EdHill asks this season’s winner, Dan, about all sorts of things — but of course, all I really cared about were his thoughts on Ollie and April having sex (and why he always shouted in the diary room). I’m a simple man. Check it out for a good read.

8 replies on “INTERVIEW: Dan Dan, He's Our Man, If He Can't Win, No One Can!”

  1. I liked Dan, but now that I read that he may have “exagerated” his conservative beliefs in order to get on the show, I really, really like him. He seems like a great guy.
    If you get a chance to meet him, tell him that his sister is H-O-T.

  2. Hills recap?
    I’ve been reading tvgasms because all that gets talked about here is big brother.
    sad day : (

  3. Yes, it shall be up eventually. I was on a plane Monday night; so that screwed up my schedule, and with the BB finale taking up a chunk of Tuesday, all my writing time has been topsy turvy!

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