Well look at this giant video player.
For years I’ve wondered what life was like for the Survivor jury. Were the castaways allowed to talk about the game with each other? Where did they stay? What did it look like? Was it fun? Well, during last week’s uh-mazing episode, I noticed an interstitial promoting something called the Ponderosa, which promised to give viewers an insider look at what happens to the jury after elimination. (I don’t know if this was available during previous seasons, but if it was, this was the first time I had noticed it.) Anyway, I just checked it out, and I loved it. There wasn’t anything really groundbreaking there, and the product placement is off the charts, but my curiosity was just so damn satisfied. Every inch of footage totally captivated me. Just the mere sight of a castaway chilling out in a car, walking around a normal kitchen, interacting with staff members in the background — it was the best!
If you’re equally intrigued by this parallel Survivor universe, check it all out at cbs.com/ponderosa.