
It’s wintertime in Los Angeles, which means the temperatures have flirted with the lower-40s the past few nights, and during the day, residents have had to suffer the indignity of wearing a light coat over their t-shirts. In other words, we’re just barely surviving. Luckily, we have establishments such as Eveleigh on Sunset Boulevard to ease the sting of Jack Frost nipping at our noses, thanks to an array of new winter cocktails carefully crafted for the season.

After the jump, check out some pics from a media-comped event at Eveleigh to preview the restaurant’s latest creations…

A view from inside Eveleigh (pronounced evah-lee if you’re American or evah-lay if you’re Australian, but never EEV-LEE or EEVA-LEE, no matter what your country of origin).

The restaurant’s back bar, perched above scenic views of the city (which I did NOT photograph, thank you very much).

First up is The Rose and the Woodbine Twine — a mix of Auchentoshan Three Wood Single Malt, Lepanto PX Solera Brandy de Jerez, Olorosso sherry, Benedictine. In lesser hands, this could have tasted very medicinal. But the Rose/Woodbine’s balance of spirits was just lovely! LOVELY I SAY.

Wait, did I just stick an orange rind in my cocktail? Nope. This is a whole new beast entirely. Meet the Wee Wobbler, which is something of a play on the classic Negroni. I’m not a huuuuge Negroni fan (I mean, they aiiiight), but this I enjoyed greatly. And don’t overlook that rind. It provides a great, orange perfume every time you lift the glass to your mouth.

And now one of the stars of the evening: The Summer Babe (Winter Version). Not only does Eveleigh have this Pavement-punned cocktail on tap, it also happens to be one of their best offerings. Everyone loved this drink, which features gin, vermouth, and a grapefruit-tarragon cordial. Loved it. And since it’s pre-made on draught, there’s no need to wait long for it!

And now my next expertly photographed libation: the American Trilogy. Made with bourbon and apple brandy, this cocktail has a similar flavor profile as The Rose and the Woodbine Twine and the Wee Wobbler. Of the three though, this is my least favorite.

The master mixologist at work.

And now… my absolute favorite creation of the night: The Befuddled Julep. first, we got some chai-infused bourbon, which may sound a bit bonkers, but it’s totally the best thing ever. The chair provides those wintery spices we love at this time of year, and the bourbon lights you up with that inner glow. Adding to the fun is a blob of orange marmalade that drinkers must mash into the beverage. This may cause ice to explode out of the cup, but such is the price for interactivity. I could drink these all night long, people. Maybe I will.

The Rum Punch Drunk Love. There’s a whole lot of pineapple going on here (pineapple syrup, pineapple juice), and I must admit that I don’t really like pineapple. But — BUT — despite that, I did enjoy this drink. Sweet and tropical, I felt like I was momentarily far, far away from the bitterly cold 55 degree weather outside.

I am so glad I actually took notes at this event because otherwise, I would have forgotten that this was the Bergamot Sour. I honestly don’t remember what it tasted like, but here’s what I wrote on my phone: “truly delicious. I mean…” So there you have it!

And here is the ode to Rage Against the Machine: the Bols on Parade. This is a solidly nice cocktail with a frothy top layer courtesy of an egg white. It’s a little on the sweet side, but tasty nonetheless.

My last cocktail of the evening: the Secretariat. A lovely rye concoction. You’ll also notice some errant fries nearby. This was one of many, many bowls of *amazing* fries that came our way. I’m not sure I’ve eaten so many fries in my life, and yet I couldn’t stop. Get dem fries, people.

Alas, the only cocktail I didn’t try was the Running With The Devil. Made with mezcal, chile liqueur, coffee-infused Campari, and other intriguing ingredients, it was actually the drink I was most looking forward to, but sadly, I had to bow out early for another obligation. I guess I’ll just have to go back!

8752 Sunset Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90069
(424) 239-1630