
Man did things get heated at Tribal Council on Survivor this week. Jaison finally took Ben up on his borderline (or perhaps not so borderline) racist comments from the week prior, and honestly, Jaison schooled him. It was great to watch. And of course, now Jaison and Shambo (!!!) are my favorites. Will they go all the way this season? Not sure. It depends on if they ever catch on to Russell’s evil ways. As for our resident troll, he continues to be awful, but oh so entertaining. I mean, as malicious and vile as this tubby little creature is, at least he has a sense of humor about things. There’s no self-righteousness going on — at least not yet. I’m sure that’ll all change the moment he’s truly backstabbed for the first time (as is always the case with bullies). For now though, he kind of is in control of the game, and that’s both scary and fun.
After the jump, a photocap from the latest episode…

Hey look — waves crashing on rocks! I didn’t know that happened! Hey CBS, why don’t you show it to us TWENTY MORE TIMES THIS EPISODE?

“I’m starting to think I’m the smartest one here! And this is coming from a guy who gnaws on extension cords!”

Ben: “Look Chinese lady — may I call you Ching Chong? — Anyway, Ching Chong, here’s the deal. I’m not trying to be chauvinist, but women just aren’t strong enough to make fire. It’s a man’s job anyway. You just keep looking pretty. You know what pretty looks like right? Not sure how much you can see out of those slanty eyes.”

“Listen here, flint. This is DR. MICK TRIMMING. I command you to make fire. I COMMAND YOU!”

“This… this flint is just hilarious. It’s like it doesn’t even realize I’m DR. MICK TRIMMING. Silly flint.”

“I want to know who told you I was gunning after you?”

“I won’t say any names, but I can tell you it CERTAINLY wasn’t Russell.”

“Then who was it?”

“I don’t know. But definitely, definitely NOT Russell. Now excuse me while I go and talk to Russell about how much he did NOT tell me about you.”

“By the power vested in me, Dr. Mick Trimming, I demand that you release me from your grip. RELEASE!”

“Hmmm… comfort is nice. But function is important. I say we jam it out. Shambo, get on flute. ‘It’s a typical situation in these typical times. Too many choices.’ Anyone? Anyone?”

“You know, comfort is nice, but you ain’t gonna be catching any children at the playground with a pillow. Well, I suppose you could, but it would be easier with a net and some hooks.”

“These pillows are nice.”
“Let’s make out.”

“Well, hello there hot stuff! I’m Shambo!”
“Nice to meet you, lesbian.”

“Listen, Russell, when Dr. MICK TRIMMING gives you his word, he means it. It’s called the Trimmingcratic Oath. And remember, you don’t get to be this handsome by being a liar.”
“Hmmm… and you are very handsome.”
“Aren’t I?”

Ben: “This is just further evidence that black people are idiots.”
Jaison: “Someone please hold me back.”
Natalie: “This is fun!!”

“Maybe I should go over there and give Ben a good ol’ fashioned knuckle sandwich, courtesy of DR. MICK TRIMMING.”

“No. I can only use my powers for good. With great handsomeness comes great responsibility.”

“There’s nothing wrong with me calling Yasmin ghetto trash. I mean, that’s what she is. Typical of a black person to take issue with it. I guess it’s due to their historically smaller brains. That is a fact! I speak facts!”

“Um, do I have to sit next to these guys? And WHO AM I ANYWAY? Have I always been on the show?”

“I wonder if anyone can smell my fart. Lord, that’s potent.”

Jaison: “What sort of Southern gentleman speaks to a woman that way?”
Ben: “She’s not a woman. She’s a BITCH.”
“And why is that?”
“Because she’s black. That’s a fact! That’s not racial! She is black!”

What did you think about this episode? Where do you stand on Ben’s remarks?

9 replies on “SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Tribal Council Touches On A Black and White Issue”

  1. “Um, do I have to sit next to these guys? And WHO AM I ANYWAY? Have I always been on the show?”
    Hahaha! That’s just what I was thinking when watching tribal council… where the hell did she come from?

  2. It takes someone REALLY evil to make Russell look tame, but Ben did so. I did feel for that blond chick when she was sitting between Ben and Jaison. They seemed like they were going to rip each other into pieces if it hadn’t been for her sitting there.
    I wonder how things will change at the camp now that Evil Ben is gone. This is reminiscent of the Survivor where Stephanie was the sole survivor of her tribe that kept getting picked off one by one.

  3. I was rather ticked off that night. I CAN NOT say I agree with anyone. I don’t feel that Ben said anything racial to her at all. Quite frankly, I think she was asking for it. Who the heck is she waltzing in on someone else’s tribe and starting shit? I can not wait until she gets voted off the island. Seriously, I prefer Russell over her and THAT’S pretty bad.

  4. …i dunno I think its double standards for it to be okay to throw around hillbilly and white trash, why not the other way around…and all kinds of races live in….uuh government housing i.e. the ghetto….ghettofabulous OUT!

  5. hahah the dmb quote was hysterical. i am still laughing at that.
    and dave really does look like a child molester in that photo, eww!
    i think what ben said was pretty bad, but i agree that yas was also incredibly out of line. Ben just honestly should’ve apologized to Jaison because he struck a nerve, for obvious reasons, and it might’ve just blown over. For some reason I really didn’t mind Ben that much. He was ignorant but I found him very entertaining, and at least he had a personality!!

  6. Oh. My. God
    Seriously.. SERIOUSLY Mr.B-Side Ben, you had me Laughing out Loud, I mean CRACKING up with every other caption and I have had quite an emotional day.. I want to hug you right now for making me grin ear to ear and bubble over in fits of happiness.

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