As I mentioned yesterday, I went to the Silver Lake farmers market over the weekend, and not only did I bring home crabs — the edible kind — but I also emerged with three varieties of plants: rosemary, thyme, and chives. I’m all about saving money, and if I can grow these herbs instead of purchasing them overpriced at the supermarket, that’s what I’m gonna do. Besides, they smell great, and in the famously pleasant Los Angeles weather, I know I’ll be able to maintain them all year long — assuming I don’t MURDER them with ineptitude (which is a huge possibility).
Of course, once I bought the plants, I then had to procure several accompanying items: soil, pots, trays, etc.. It turned out to be a minor endeavor, but somehow I persevered. After the jump, several pictures of the process, courtesy of jash.

After having bought the herbs at the farmers market, jash and I headed over to OSH (Orchard Supply Hardware) to take a gander at their pot selection. Terracotta pots, that is.

Here’s me browsing the wares.

Attempting to wrangle the pots free from the shelf.

I’m shocked that I haven’t already shattered five terracotta planters.

General awkwardness — my specialty.

Planters have been picked.

Next step is to find some rocks and pebbles to go in the bottom of the pots.

Los Angeles has a shocking DEARTH of gravel.

Luckily, I found a few rocks.

And yes, I was totally pillaging random flower beds.

For the record, this was a fairly unpleasant experience for me. I don’t like getting my hands dirty, and I also fear critters that may live under said pebbles and stones.

Here I am back at my domicile, filling the terracotta pots with my hard-earned geological bounty.

The rosemary goes in first. Soil soon to follow.

Jash gives me pointers as I get my green thumb on.

Behold the glorious triumph of man and rosemary!

Next I prepare a pot that shall house both the chives and the thyme. Bosom buddies, if you will.

What can I say? I’m an agricultural wunderkind.

I become very lanky and gangly whilst farming.

The pot is complete! Psychotic glares ensue.

Sly seems to care very little about my burgeoning herb garden.

Time to water these bad boys.

The joys of irrigation are intense and wondrous.

The poor basil in the corner — no longer the belle of the ball.

Alas, my feet have become quite dirty.

And so ends a hard day of work.

Not a bad way to spend a Saturday.
photos of feet are overtaking your blog. i’m not sure how much more i can handle…
Can we please see Sly’s face? Also of note: crushed egg shells + brewed tea leaves make great potting material
SinoSoul — you’ve met Sly before.
Only B-Side would take a shower with his clothes on…
I’m very impressed by your pot prowess at the store. My son decided he HAD to grow some plants, so we were in that same kind of section at our store. I about had a heart attack thinking of all of the damage both my kids could do to that place AND my checkbook… Thankfully, we too, came through without any breakage. And we’re getting cucumbers soon. 🙂
Nobody puts Basil in the corner!
I’ll bake you a cake if you come over to my apt and re-pot my rosemary. Deal?
Is B-Side a never nude?
To be fair, I only had to wash off my feet. It didn’t require a full disrobing.
As to me being a Never Nude – I understand it more than you’ll never know.
I just want to see you in those cutoffs. Am I right, ladies???
Is Sly in the SAME DRESS she wore to the crab defacing?
Seeing that pic of Sly reminds me of the early TOS days when you looked just like that! Without the shades.