Epic 'Real Housewives' Fight Of The Century Airs Tonight!!!

It’s the moment we’ve been waiting months for. Ever since we saw Teresa flip a table during the Real Housewives of New Jersey preview special back in April, we’ve been eagerly anticipating what looks to be the most over-the-top blowout in Bravo history, and now the moment is almost here. Tonight, the shockingly short New Jersey season draws to a close with the ladies all gathering at a restaurant for dinner, and guess who makes things awkward? Good ol’ Danielle. I won’t tell you exactly what she does because it’s so bizarre and awful yet wonderfully hilarious. You just have to see it for yourself in the clip above, which serves as a mere teaser for the drama (and airborne furniture) to come.
After the jump, two more bonus clips (sadly, none feature Teresa yelling “WHORE!!!!”)

A tour of Teresa’s awful house.

Caroline and her dear friend BERNIE KERIK.

5 replies on “Epic 'Real Housewives' Fight Of The Century Airs Tonight!!!”

  1. Queen Elizabeth saw Teresa’s house and is so jealous she’s ordered Windsor Castle to be torn down.

  2. Danielle should have gone Nene on them. BAM! in yo face! would have been so appropriate and made the moment so less awkward. Can’t wait til tonight.

  3. Yowza! Dina went from “I never had the book in my hand” to “We told people we thought needed to know” to “Shut up Caroline” when Caroline admits she took the book to Chateau THE ART OF BEAUTY.
    I can’t help it, I still think Caroline still rocks. I like that she was covering for her sister.
    But what the heck did Teresa say Danielle did “19 times?” I couldn’t understand what she was saying and I think I might *actually* die if I don’t find out.

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