Remember when Project Runway was the hippest reality show around, beloved for its urbane appeal and sophisticated style? Well, now it’s on Lifetime, and if this promo is any indication, the emphasis has moved away from upmarket elitism and more towards Middle American mom-jeans milquetoast. If I sound snobby, well, that’s because I am. Truth is this commercial plays more like a Sears ad than anything else. It’s so tragically unhip in every way. Even the music is outdated. I love Basement Jaxx as much as anyone else, but that tune is eight years old and has been used in more stupid commercials than I can shake a fist at. The only thing worse would have been to select a song by Smashmouth. I’m pained, I tell you. Pained.
The real question is if the show itself can survive the shift to its new home, or will the core audience feel simply too isolated by the onslaught of Lifetime shlock-appeal? And let’s not forget that Project Runway is switching to Los Angeles this season. Hmmm… My Jump-The-Shark-dar is certainly beeping like crazy…
What do you think?
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Oh, B-Side. In the words of Tim Gunn, “This concerns me. I’m concerned.”
“Project Runway, May I Sleep With Danger?”
oof… not a triumph.
wow, how stupid you are.
I agreed. I haven’t watched it since it’s switch over.. Lifetime is more…forty year olds in their, well, ‘lifetime.’