Free Starbucks!
Two weeks ago, I implored all of America to revolt against Starbucks and their straw-destroying lids. I was hoping to generate a crusade or at least a low-grade revolution, but sadly, the cause never really caught on with Digg and whatnot. Still, I got some traction  getting linkage from Eater LA and Serious Eats and some other blogs. Reading the comments on those sites, I was struck by how many people thought it was their fault that they couldn’t get their straws through their lids. Fear not, my fellow countrymen. It’s not you. It’s them. Shame on any corporation who lets the consumer take the blame for their own shortcomings!
Luckily, Starbucks has shown slight remorse. After I complained on their website, a customer representative sent me coupons for two free drinks. This is a step in the right direction. I would like to publicly thank Starbucks for throwing me a minor bone. Of course, while I’m always happy to get free nourishment, but I must face the realization that all I’m going to do is march over to the nearest ‘bucks, order a mocha frapuccino, and face the dreaded lid ALL OVER AGAIN. I suppose I could request the alternative domed lid, but honestly, why should I change my habits for their poor plastic choices? I refuse! Vive la resistance!
Nevertheless, I’ll keep all updated on the Starbucks front…