From left to right: Don Draper, offended woman, SCOTT, jerk with hat.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, the Mad Men season two premiere was last night, and I personally enjoyed it quite a bit. However, I’ve heard from two separate people that they felt it was a little slow. Maybe I’m in the minority? Who knows.
Nevertheless, there were many reasons to love last night’s premiere, not the least of which was Peggy (or Peggs, as my friend Jash and I call her) going off on Don Draper’s new secretary Lois, formerly a stalker-ish operator with a crush on the office’s resident gay guy (Oops). Actually, as much as I loved that (gotta love Peggs), I enjoyed Joan’s ensuing dressing down of Lois even more. It ain’t easy in the steno pool.
Anyway, I have to give props to my buddy Scott MacArthur, who played one of the jerks in the elevator late in the episode. I like to brag about my friends, and as such, I’ve posted two images of him: one with him laughing at his chum’s ribald story, and after the jump, a second image with him scowling at Don Draper. Look, I like Scott, but anyone who sasses Mr. Draper falls on my shit list. This could be a problem.
What did you think about the premiere?

Don’t hate, Scott. Celebrate.