
A few weeks ago, just after I jumped vigorously onto the Mad Men bandwagon, I emailed the press contact for the show at AMC. I told her that I loved Mad Men, that I ran a blog that reached a few thousand people a day, and that I’d love to help promote the show. I was hoping that at best she’d send a t-shirt or some DVDs that I could give away on the site and at worst that I’d be included on some sort of media distribution list. Well, I got neither. The woman never emailed me back. Boo.
But just because AMC gave me the cold shoulder doesn’t mean I’m not gonna stop my mission to convert as many people as possible to Mad Men. And furthermore, they can’t keep me away from the free stuff. Case in point, check out this sweet Mad Men USB flash drive. Apparently, AMC was giving them away like candy at the recent Television Critics Association tour here in Los Angeles. My friend snagged one for me, which was awesome because I actually really needed a flash drive — and the fact that it was Mad Men-branded made it all the better. So I guess all’s well that ends well.
Nevertheless, the new season starts Sunday at 10 PM EST on AMC.