
Very exciting news. I’m gonna be on The Hills retrospective. (C’mon, you didn’t think I’d be cool enough to actually get on The Hills proper, did you?) Yes, earlier today, I was interviewed by producers for an upcoming launch special for the fourth season of The Hills. Hopefully, they’ll use my footage, but I suppose that depends on how succinct of a speaker I was — I tend to be a bit longwinded. Nevertheless, it was lots of fun, despite my skin shining up like a polished bowling ball. I’ll post more information as it comes out, but for now, I’ll just say that the MTV special should be airing on August 16th, two scant days before the big premiere of season four. Be sure to check it out!

10 replies on “LIKE OMG: I'm Gonna Be On 'The Hills'… sort of. Not really.”

  1. B-Side, I’m coming to Los Angeles at the end of August. Let’s pretend we’re on The Hills and go party at S-Bar. I’ll only drink champagne like Lauren, and my friend Kate and I will get into a vapid argument so everyone feels awkward.
    I’m totally serious. It will be amazing.

  2. I can’t wait for the girls to return. I love the acute perception of our gal LC –
    “You weren’t being over-sensitive. He was being an over-asshole.”

  3. Cool. Is it OK for me to amused that there’s a Hills retrospective at all?

  4. B-Side, this is totally off topic from The Hills, but did you catch the new 30 minute special on Bravo last night? The Real Housewives of Altanta- Ohhhh my……..

  5. YES. It’s all about NeNe.
    I wish the women were older though. A few of them seem too young.

  6. Yep, they are all young…except for NeNe’s husband. Gregg looks like he’s 65! The scene in Hotlanta seems as pretentious and catty as NYC- I love it! I think this season should be all about “Big Poppa”…WHO IS HE???

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