“Wait ’til you see these idiots.”
Big Brother is back, and based on last night’s premiere, I think I can say without over-exaggeration that we’ve got an awesome cast. While I liked the winter batch, this new clan of house guests are fantastic. CBS hyped up the diversity big time, and so far, it looks like this back-to-basics approach with casting has paid off. In short, I love these characters.
Of course, I could be riding the post-Big-Brother-premiere high, but I really do think this season has tons of potential. We already had great comedy with the clash of Renny, the eclectic hair stylist from N’Orleans, and Jessie, the whiny bodybuilder from Iowa. When he complained that her cackling (which was admittedly ear-piercing) had been keeping him awake, I couldn’t help but laugh as Renny simply dismissed it with a blasé “lighten up.” It’s about time we got a tough old cookie in the household (oh how I would have liked to have seen her face off against Evel Dick).
Then, of course, there’s Michelle, who was already my pre-premiere favorite. She might turn out to be deathly annoying, but for now, I can’t help but think she’s the best, especially after her no-nonsense introduction, “I’M MICHELLE.” I hope she lasts a few more weeks, if only so we can see just how salty her personality can get. And let’s not forget, she’s Portuguese, and apparently that makes her INSANE!!! I don’t know why that makes her insane, but maybe she’ll tell a whole bunch of off-color Ferdinand Magellan jokes (and let’s face it: that would be insane).
If Michelle is my favorite (for now), I’d have to give second place to Jerry (or Renny  I love old people on reality shows). How could you not like Jerry? He’s a great-grandpa! And he’s jolly! On the flip side, Jesse seems to be the biggest douche so far, and Brian looks to be not too far behind (however, if he proves to be an expert schemer, I could start to like him). Memphis also seems like he’s veering towards suckiness, but I’ll refrain from passing full judgment on him until the week plays out.
Curiously, I thought I’d hate Ollie, but he actually seemed okay. I liked how he told us, “I don’t drink. Alcoholic, that is,”  as if we thought he literally didn’t consume any liquids whatsoever. HE’S MAGICAL! And Dan, who I’m sure I will hate ultimately, didn’t grate me quite as badly as I thought he would have (give him time though). April, meanwhile, seems annoying, but her entertainment potential is through the roof. I liked how she introduced herself by saying, “I’m April, and IIIII know how to handle MEN!” Plus, she has OCD, which is always fun times. As for everyone else, I’m gonna need another day or two to make some definitive opinions. I must admit I was amused by Steven the gay cowboy. He announced to us that he didn’t want to share that he was gay just yet; however, during the nomination ceremony, his t-shirt, which featured a “Pure Gravy” logo, folded over in such a way that it actually read “Pure Gay.” Nice Mad Magazine hint there.
Anyway, enough talk. Time for the first true photocap of the season!