When Padma said that Top Chef had thrown “Restaurant Wars” to the wayside to make room for “Wedding Wars,” I knew it just couldn’t be true. Sure enough, the seasonal tradition was back last night as the remaining six contestants split into two teams and duked it out, culinary style. In one kitchen were the three strongest chefs: Richard, Antonia, and that girl I keep thinking is eliminated but isn’t (Stephanie?). In the other kitchen was the trainwreck crew: Dale, Lisa, and Spike. So what happened? Well, the strong chefs excelled, and the trainwreck chefs, well, they created a trainwreck. Thankfully, Spike stayed out of the fray, leaving him safe at the Judges’ Table, but the Dale and Lisa rivalry finally came to a head, and one of them was sent packing. Who was it? Well, let’s just say his name rhymes with his attitude: STALE.
Anyway, here’s the photocap. Request to Bravo: more photos from the tastings and judges’ table. Thanks in advance, Andy Cohen!
“Chefs, Restaurant Wars is back! Gail Simmons will not be judging; so feel free to use delicate ingredients.”
“Look at me fake crying. You know, because I’ll never cry on camera. EVER.”
Hey look, it’s the lesbian girl and the New Zealand guy. Wait, he wasn’t picked for this challenge. And besides, weren’t they introduced to the group AFTER the trip to Whole Foods? Hmmmm…
“For your quickfire challenge, you will make Tom a new scarf, made only from bratwurst.”
“Who the FUCK put this spoon in my mouth? SABOTAGE!”
“Dale, Lisa — I appreciate your input, but I don’t think we should name our restaurant ‘FUCK YOU!'”
“Hello, chefs. Do you like how I stepped into Tom’s role with NO RESERVATIONS?”
“Ooops, I think I accidentally boiled Zoi’s undershirt.”
“You know what, blender? You’ve got a bad attitude; so FUCK YOU!”
“Gail would have loved these butterscotch scallops. Then again, you could cover a shoe in butterscotch and she’d eat it, bless her heart.”
“Hey, let’s drunk-dial Gail right now and tell her she’s won a lifetime’s supply of White Castle! Wouldn’t that be hilarious?”