Last night’s episode of Big Brother was great for one and only one reason: we got to see Sheila bark, “Yew know wut, Adam? Thank yew, THANK YEW!!” And yes, that was a quote verbatim. I probably watched that line over about three times in a row. As for the rest of the show, well, that was all pretty damn good too.
Photos after the jump…

“Hey bro, did I just fuck up?”

“I can’t believe Adam didn’t nominate me. It’s like the whole house is going out of its way to isolate me!”

“I wonder if Jesus says anything about shaving in here. He had a beard, right?”

“Yew know wut? Yew don’t owe me an apology, ADAM, but ya kinda dew!”

“Yew know wut? I would have never nominated him. Never. NEVER!!!”

“Yew know wut, Rye Bread? If yew don’t save me with the veetowe, I would die. Die inside. DIE!!!!”

“Hey bro, I nominated Sharon and James, right? I didn’t? Really?”

“Beep boop.”

“Yew know wut, Rye Bread? I would never shave my face like you. Never. NEVER!”

“If we survive this week, I’m definitely gonna increase the angle of my beard.”

“Oh man. All my retards are gonna look at me and think I’m the retard!”

“Yew know wut, Adam? I know why yew did what yew did, but yew know wut else? I would have never nominated yew. Never.”

“I know. I—”


“Okay, karma, just give me my ass pounding now.”

“Hey bro, how much you wanna bet we can convince Natalie that the sauna’s actually a teleporter?”

“I call this my Jesus box!”

“Let me tell you something about Team Christ. We actually know very little about Christianity.”

“Why do I have to be the one to trust everyone? Why can’t they all trust me? All I ever did was massively betray everyone’s trust!”

“Sun tanning can give you skin cancer? OHHHHH MYYYYY LOOOOOORDDDD!!!!”

“I miss hugs. And doing gay porn. But mostly hugs.”

“I miss my mom. And my dad… And Jacob… And all my little FURRRRIENDS!!!! MY BEEEBIEEES!!!! WEEEEEE!!!!! BEEEEBOOOP BEEEP BEEEP!!!”

“Yew know wut? I clean and clean and clean, and dew I ever hear a thank yew, THANK YEW??? No. Never. NEVER!!!”

“Yew know wut, CBS? Yew don’t owe me a Roomba, but ya kinda dew!!”

“I wish I could visit my cousins on Easter Island. Did you hear that, James? THEY’RE ON AN ISLAND!!!”

“Yew know wut, Otev? If you would give me the Veto, I would die. Die inside. DIE!!!”

“Okay, Otev. I’ll see your beep, and I’ll raise you a boop!”

“Wait, I have to find the exact numbers? GOOOOOD LOOOOORDDDD!!!!”

“Wow, Joshuah would have been perfect for this game.”

“I can’t believe I got eliminated from this challenge. And the only reason is because I got the answer wrong! That’s gotta be a first — getting penalized for an incorrect response. Once again, everyone’s isolating me. I’M ON AN ISLAND!!!”

“Thank yew! THANK YEW!!!”

“Yew know wut, Black & Decker? Yew don’t owe me a more effective hair dryer, but ya kinda dew!”

“Ryan, how awesome would it be if you saved me? After all, you owe me! I SAVED you!!!”

“Actually, bro, when you voted to save me on weeks one and three, you merely voted with the majority. Plus, you put me on the block like three weeks ago, and oh yeah, you EVICTED me once too, bro.”

“Yeah…. but… I’m on an island.”

“You gotta admit, when I lean on one arm like this, it’s pretty damn crazy, right?”

“Yew know wut, Rye Bread? Yew don’t owe me your saving grace, but ya kinda dew!”

“It’s okay, I understand the way it goes. I’m totally fine with this. I’m not bitter about being on the block at all. I believe in playing nice.”

“I fuckin’ saved you, Ryan! I am the one and only reason why you are still in this game! And I base that on nothing! Because that’s all I have ON MY ISLAND!!!”
These pics are great and your commentary is hilariously funny!! Thanks for my morning laughfest!! Great way to start the day.
Not to change the subject or anything….but last night I was watching Wheel of Fortune–Shut up! and in the audience was the one and only Jen Johnson. Guess Vanna didn’t fire her after all. And sitting beside her was NICK! Looks like he watched the entire season and saw all the nasty things Dani was said about him after he left and realized Jen was right about her all along.
If you could dig up a screen shot of that, B-Side, it would be awesome.
And once again BB edited the shit out of reality. They made it appear as though Adam just suddenly had an ephinany that he screwed up the nominations and was confused about how it happened. BULL! He spend most of the day walking around bitching about how BB confused him and how BB pushed him not to nominate James and how BB influenced him to keep James. He cried to everyone in the house about it. But not a word about that on the show. Those EVIL DOERS!!
That’s one of the things I love about the feeds — it’s a different world than the one they show three times a week.
Oo, boomersmommy, that WOULD be awesome.
Is it just me or does Natalie seem to be rocking a mustache lately?
Boomersmommy, here you go:
Awesome recap, thanks B-Side! BTW, you totally passed on my favorite part of last night’s episode…when Sheila was going off on Adam, walks away, turns around and goes “Ddddduuuuuurrrrr”! She’s INSANE!
Loved “I call this my Jesus box!”…more Natalie please!
I’m LMAO! The pictures are great .. but I LOVE the commentary!! You don’t owe us any commentary … but you kinda dew!!! 😀 hahahahaha