
Award-winning director/producer/writer/mogul Steven Spielberg has set his sights on yet another new endeavor: a videogame for that lovable treasure chest of joy that we call the Nintendo Wii. Up until now, details have been scant, with only the name, Boom Blox, leaking out to the media (I was hoping for something titled Wii Color Purple, but i guess it’ll do).
Nevertheless, Spielberg and videogames seem like a match made in heaven. After all, this is the man who brought us nightmarish chills in Jaws; exciting thrills in Jurassic Park; gritty realism in Saving Private Ryan; moving drama in Schindler’s List; unmitigated imagination in Minority Report; sweeping adventure in the Indiana Jones saga; and total, unabashed awe in E.T. and Close Encounters.
So with that in mind, behold the first peak at BOOM BLOX!!!!


Yup, apparently Boom Blox is a family puzzle game that requires users to destroy stacks of blocks —  kind of like reverse Jenga (which is also a Wii game, I should note). I’m not going to hate on this just yet. After all, I’m a big fan of puzzles, even if they are catered towards families, but seriously — this is what we get? Blocks? Really? Well, at least it’s not an adaptation of Amistad.
For more information, check out IGN’s coverage here.
Update: Apparently some mild dyslexia kicked in. The name of this game is BOOM BLOX, not BLOOM BOX as I had previously written. Makes more sense. Also, there’s now a trailer out, and, well, it looks like it might actually be more fun than I initially thought. At first I thought it looked too cutesy, but all those explosions have started to win me over. Take a look for yourself:

3 replies on “First Glimpses of Spielberg's New Videogame Released”

  1. This looks like a game that even I could play. I love any kind of break-out game. And explosions. 🙂

  2. I’m sorry, but that looks annoyingly cute to me. I guess because I have no kids around, and I’m not used to kids programming. If I played this game, I’d end up throwing the remote at the tv.

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